Quest:Interlude: The Moot

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Interlude: The Moot
Level 95
Type Session Play
Starts with Merry
Starts at Gates of Isengard
Start Region Isengard (after)
Map Ref [47.7S, 89.7W]
Quest Chain Vol. III. Book 14
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Pip and I met Treebeard after we escaped from the Orcs. He is an Ent, you know, a shepherd of the forests. I can tell you how we met him, if you like.'


Merry has agreed to tell you the story of how he and Pippin met Treebeard.

Objective 1

Merry is outside the gate of Isengard.

Merry has agreed to tell you the story of how he and Pippin met Treebeard the Ent.

Complete the Session Play: Instance: The Moot

Objective 2

  • Talk to Merry outside the gate of Isengard

Merry is outside the gate of Isengard.

Merry: 'Pip and I went to Quickbeam's house after that, but my hunger has quite gotten the best of me and I have lost the mood for story-telling. Perhaps I will tell you of the last march of the Ents after I have eaten. But that is enough for now, I think. Quite a tale, was it not?'
Merry's stomach grumbles, and he smiles at you apologetically